Hopped up on the C

I have been extra busy at work lately. About an hour after lunch yesterday, I started feeling a serious nap coming on. Now I know it sounds crazy, but most places of employment strongly discourage dragging out the couch and tallying sheep.

Among my limited alternatives, a little caffeine boost rose to the top of the list. Peppermint tea, my current drink of choice, has zero caffeine, so obviously that wasn’t going to work. So, I set off for my favorite Barnes & Noble Café in search of a significantly more potent beverage.

I ordered this half-caf tall the next morning for a more controlled daytime-only boost

I chose the caramel-flavored brew, medium size. The Starbucks word for medium is Grande, but the baristas are fluent in English. To me, all Starbucks brews need something to mask the cigarette taste. My favorite is half-n-half.

By the time I had returned to my desk I had downed half the coffee. When I polished off the final swallow my eyes registered two hours left on the clock. Two agonizingly sleepy hours.

Then the coffee kicked in. At home. Four hours later. I was so hopped up on the C for the rest of the evening that I couldn’t get to sleep until after 1:30 AM.

The alarm would go off again at 4:00 AM.

I will be so glad when this project is over, for a welcome return to a normal work schedule.